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Discovering Britain

Discovering Britain
Explore Britain's rich Neolithic history by transfer, visiting ancient sites and stone circles. This unique journey offers an intimate glimpse into the past, revealing the mysteries and marvels of Britain's early inhabitants.


Discover the magic of Britain's Neolithic era by transfer, with Stonehenge as the crown jewel of your journey. This prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, is one of the most famous sites in the world, dating back to around 3000 BC. Stonehenge's massive standing stones, arranged in a circular layout, continue to mystify historians and archaeologists with their purpose and construction methods. As you approach this iconic site, you'll be awestruck by the sheer size and arrangement of the stones, some weighing up to 25 tons. A transfer tour allows you to explore at your own pace, soaking in the rich history and stunning landscapes. Along the way, you'll discover other lesser-known but equally fascinating stone circles and Neolithic sites scattered across Britain. Each site offers a unique glimpse into our ancient past, making this transfer journey a must for history buffs and curious explorers alike.

Callanish Stones

Discover the magic of Britain's Neolithic era by transfer, with a visit to the enchanting Callanish Stones. Located on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland's Outer Hebrides, this ancient site is a testament to the ingenuity of our ancestors. The Callanish Stones, arranged in a cruciform pattern with a central stone circle, were erected around 5,000 years ago and are older than Stonehenge. The purpose of these stones remains a mystery, with theories ranging from astronomical observatory to ritualistic site. A transfer tour to this remote location offers a unique opportunity to explore the site at your own pace, soaking in the mystical atmosphere and stunning views of the surrounding landscape. The Callanish Stones are a must-visit for history buffs and those seeking a deeper connection with Britain's ancient past. So, hop in a transfer and journey back in time to the Neolithic era.

Ring of Brodgar

The Ring of Brodgar, located in Orkney, Scotland, is a must-visit for anyone interested in Britain's Neolithic sites. This ancient stone circle, dating back to 2500-2000 BC, is one of the most impressive and well-preserved in the country. Comprising 27 standing stones out of the original 60, the Ring of Brodgar offers a unique glimpse into the past. The site is surrounded by a henge, a circular ditch and bank, which adds to its mystical allure. Accessible by transfer, it's an ideal destination for history enthusiasts and those seeking a unique travel experience. The Ring of Brodgar is not just a historical site, but a place of natural beauty, offering panoramic views of the surrounding lochs and hills. Discover the mysteries of Britain's Neolithic past by visiting this awe-inspiring stone circle.

Castlerigg Stone Circle

Discover the magic of Britain's Neolithic era by transfer, with a visit to the enchanting Castlerigg Stone Circle. Nestled amidst the Lake District's highest mountains, this ancient site is one of the most atmospheric and dramatically sited of all British stone circles. Thought to have been constructed around 3000 BC, Castlerigg offers a glimpse into the distant past, with its 38 stones forming a perfect circle. The purpose of these stone circles remains a mystery, with theories ranging from astronomical observatories to religious sites. As you wander around the circle, take a moment to appreciate the panoramic views of Helvellyn and High Seat. A transfer tour to Castlerigg Stone Circle is not just a journey to a historical site, but a step back in time, offering a unique insight into Britain's Neolithic heritage. Don't miss this captivating experience on your exploration of Britain's ancient sites.

Rollright Stones

Discover the magic of Britain's Neolithic history by transfer, with a visit to the enchanting Rollright Stones. Located on the Oxfordshire-Warwickshire border, this complex of three Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monuments is a must-see for history enthusiasts. The site includes the King's Men stone circle, the Whispering Knights burial chamber, and the King Stone, each with its own unique folklore and mystery. The King's Men stone circle, dating back to the late Neolithic period, is particularly captivating with its 77 closely spaced stones. The Whispering Knights, the oldest of the three monuments, is a portal dolmen that dates back to the early Neolithic period. The King Stone, a single monolith, is believed to have been a Bronze Age grave marker. A transfer tour to the Rollright Stones offers a convenient and comfortable way to delve into Britain's ancient past, providing an unforgettable journey through time.

transfer Tours

Discover the rich history of Britain's Neolithic sites and stone circles in a unique way - by transfer! transfer tours offer a convenient and personalized way to explore these ancient landmarks. From the world-renowned Stonehenge to the lesser-known Avebury stone circle, these tours provide an intimate look into Britain's prehistoric past. The transfer tours are led by knowledgeable guides who share fascinating insights about the sites' history, purpose, and the people who built them. The convenience of a transfer tour means you can explore at your own pace, without the hassle of public transport or the stress of driving. These tours are not just about the destination, but also the journey. As you travel through Britain's picturesque countryside, you'll pass through charming villages and stunning landscapes. Whether you're a history buff, a nature lover, or simply looking for a unique experience, transfer tours of Britain's Neolithic sites and stone circles offer an unforgettable journey into the past.

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